County: Dublin, Meath, Louth
Instructor: Pranic Healing Level 1
Clinic Location: Dublin
Clinic Hours: Tue – Sat afternoons
Sessions Available: In clinic, online, telephone
Events: Level 1 Course, Seminars, Meditations
Katherine is a Primary School Teacher who completed a Masters in Special Education in Trinity College Dublin. She is the Founder of “Rays of Sunshine” Pre-school in Dublin. This Pre-school is for Children with Autism. Katherine is committed to the education of children with a focus on children with special educational needs and loves facilitating Self Development Seminar for Adults.
Katherine started Pranic Healing in 2005 and now has a busy Clinic in Tallaght, Co Dublin. Katherine facilitates various events, seminars and delivers Care for Carers Clinics, Programmes for Schools, Children and Adults, including “How Children with Autism can Benefit from Pranic Healing.”
Kathy is a dynamic and engaging Instructor and her approach to teaching is practical, methodical and clear. This teaching style enables her students to easily understand the concepts and techniques of Pranic Healing and equips them with the skills necessary to utilise the teachings in their lives effectively. She is an established and highly proficient healer, having helped countless people improve their health physically, emotionally and mentally.
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