Meditation on Twin Hearts
Carisbrooke Tennis Club - Clubhouse Kenwood Rd, LeicestershireMeditation on Twin Hearts helps to flush out negative thoughts and emotions that congest our mind and body every day.
County: Leicestershire
Clinic Location: Leicester
Clinic Days: Monday to Sunday
Sessions available: in clinic or telephone
Events: Twin Hearts meditations, (3 in English and one in Gujrati), healing clinics and children’s meditations
Since a child, Pavneet had a burning desire to be of service, to help people in need. She dabbled with; working with the elderly, rescuing animals & volunteering weekly to assist disabled adults, yet never truly feeling satisfied.
A few years ago, whilst trying to find the purpose of her life, she began researching the meaning of her name. Here, she stumbled across the meaning of the first few letters of her name; Pavn = the air, the breath, carrier of the ‘prana’, the life force. Upon reading the word Prana, she was somehow drawn to it. Uncertain of what it was, she found “Pranic Healing” courses speaking of this Prana. Intrigued, she listened to an inner voice and booked the 1st level 1 course available. Not knowing her whole life was about to change.
During that course; lifelong questions she had, seem to be answered. She inherently knew – this was her calling. Learning ways to help others with their health (specifically via distant healing as this was in the midst of a lock-down.) Soon, Pavneet was helping people recover from Covid worldwide.
She successfully began treating minor illnesses & psychological issues to fertility, tumours and even people with cancer. The results never once ceased to amaze her.
Now, more than 90% of her clients are located all over the UK & various other countries. The ability to be of service to someone in need, no matter how far they may be, she finds to be the most priceless gift ever.
You are booking a healing with Pavneet Kaur Gill
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Meditation on Twin Hearts helps to flush out negative thoughts and emotions that congest our mind and body every day.
Meditation on Twin Hearts helps to flush out negative thoughts and emotions that congest our mind and body every day.
Meditation on Twin Hearts helps to flush out negative thoughts and emotions that congest our mind and body every day.