County: Hertfordshire
Clinic Location: Offley, Hitchin
Clinic Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Sessions available: In clinic, online and/or telephone or mobile service
Events you host: Meditation group at Sadie Centre, Letchworth
Matt came across Pranic Healing in slightly unusual circumstances – chatting to another dad whilst watching their sons play football.
This conversation, which led to Matt beginning his training in Pranic healing, came into his life when he was at a crossroads in both in his working and personal life.
Having worked in the NHS as a physiotherapist for 16 years, Matt was growing increasingly disheartened by what he was able to provide to patients. Working during the pandemic in a hospital with amputees, in intensive care and on the hospital wards, things finally came to a head after a Matt caught covid and struggled with the after affects, both physically and mentally, for some time.
On leaving the NHS in March 2023, Matt has combined working as a physiotherapist and a new role as a case manager organising rehabilitation for people who have experienced catastrophic injuries and found it to be an excellent fit with Pranic healing.
Matt uses Pranic healing to help those experiencing a wide range of physical and psychological difficulties.
Pranic healing has and continues to help Matt with the experience of losing his dad when he was 10 years old and the aftereffects of that for him and his family.
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