Autumn’s magnificent paintbox is one of nature’s most powerful ways to remind us of the beauty of each new season. When we honour endings by letting go of the past […]
Embracing the Changing Season and the Seasons of Our Lives

Autumn’s magnificent paintbox is one of nature’s most powerful ways to remind us of the beauty of each new season. When we honour endings by letting go of the past […]
It’s not uncommon for the stresses of daily life to catch up on us, and spill over into other areas of our lives, often impacting our relationships.
Autumn is the perfect season to learn new skills and reset our internal compass. Which means it’s also the perfect time of year to focus on practical ways in which […]
How has the ‘lockdown’ impacted you? Have your motivation and confidence suffered? Have your finances been hit hard over the last few months? Are you finding it a struggle to […]
Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions for 2020? Have you ever made resolutions previously, only to break them a few weeks later? With around 80% of people failing to […]
[ux_image id=”15670″] Do you ever feel that you’re stuck in a rut? Do you wish to overcome some physical, psychological or emotional condition that is holding you back? Do you […]
Would you like to discover simple success secrets and help teenagers before it’s too late? Many of us know only too well the pressure job interviews can have on us […]
Do you feel that you are not reaching your full potential because of a lack of confidence? Have you ever experienced the ‘Imposter Syndrome’ where you doubt your abilities and […]
Many people embark on a journey to learn Pranic Healing as a means to help themselves take control of their health and wellbeing. In addition to understanding your energy, the key […]