Arhatic Yoga Levels
Be the best version of yourself and fulfil your potential
Feel happier, more focused, empowered and in control of your mind
Learn the secret alchemies to develop your life further and quicker.
Continue with the ultimate level of daily practice towards self realisation.
What are Arhatic Yoga Levels?
Arhatic Yoga Level 1
MCKS Arhatic Yoga Level 1 involves the rapid activation of the chakras and opening of the major meridians to allow more higher frequencies of energy and Spiritual energy to flow through your system.
Typically, you will experience an increase in the size of your energy centres by 100% to 300%, depending on the ability of the body to handle intense frequencies of energy.
You will also notice your healing abilities increase tremendously and will have less chance of being depleted when healing or dealing with negative situations.
NOTE: Arhatic Yoga Level 1 and Level 2 are now separate courses. This is to ensure that the students have diligently practiced Level 1 before learning Level 2.
Pre-requisite: Arhatic Prep for 2+ years.
Each of your chakras has inherent powers:
- Crown: intuition, spiritual connection
- Ajna: willpower, abstract thinking faculties
- Throat: creativity, detailed thinking
- Heart: compassion, sensitivity to subtle energies
- Solar Plexus: competitiveness, courage
- Navel: instincts, the storehouse of energy
- Sex: charisma, creativity
- Basic: dynamic activity, physical power
By activating these chakras your inherent emotional and psychological strengths are magnified. MCKS Arhatic Yoga Level 1 will rapidly accelerate your spiritual evolution and most importantly your ability to do service.
Each higher level of MCKS Arhatic Yoga generates approximately ten times more energy than the previous one. This would mean that a good foundation is critical if you are interested in applying for MCKS Arhatic Level 1.
Please diligently practise the techniques you were given in Arhatic Yoga Preparatory Level, including Meditation, Purification and especially Service / Tithing.

Arhatic Yoga Level 2
Each higher level of MCKS Arhatic Yoga generates approximately ten times more energy than the previous one. This would mean that a good foundation of Prep and Level 1 are critical if you are interested in applying for Level 2.
NOTE: Arhatic Yoga Level 2 requires a diligent practice of Arhatic Yoga Level 1 for at least a minimum of 1 year.
Pre-requisite: Arhatic Yoga Level 1 for 1+ years.
Consistent practice of Meditation, Purification and especially Service and Tithing are required and very important. Part of MCKS Arhatic Level 2 is understanding meditation, which means high level intuitional and creative work.
The other part is creating alchemies by combining higher and lower alchemies, enhancing the combinations of the higher frequencies of chakras to the lower frequencies of chakras increasing your will power, intelligence, your creativity and much, much more…

Arhatic Yoga Level 3.1 and 3.2
A good foundation is critical when moving to a higher level. MCKS Arhatic Level 3 requires a diligent practice of Levels 1 – 2 so your chakras are sufficiently large enough to accommodate the tremendous down pouring of spiritual energy.
Arhatic Yoga Level 3 deals with the esoteric secrets of internal alchemy and the building of the spiritual bridge of light (Antahkarana) as well as the development of the etheric golden energy body.
MCKS Arhatic Yoga Level 3 ushers you into the inner teachings of the Adepts, a level of development of the Soul, and Masters.
You will practice inner alchemy. By combining alchemies you will enhance your physical, emotional and mental stability.
The chakras, the Kundalini Shakti and the Soul Force are used in an alchemical process that rapidly produces the much-coveted Golden Body. In electrical terms, gold is the most effective conductor of electricity. Having gold in your energy system makes you superconductive to higher frequencies.
Other yogic traditions would normally take 30 – 50 years to achieve, with MCKS Arhatic Yoga Level 3 and consistent practice, you can achieve this in as little as 5 years.
MCKS Arhatic Level 3 also rapidly builds the Rainbow Bridge of Light, enhancing your connection to the Soul.
By practising MCKS Arhatic Level 3 your Soul development is enhanced tremendously and even more secrets of life will be divulged. Of course, a good foundation is critical when moving to a higher level. MCKS Arhatic Level 3 requires a diligent practice of Level 1-2 so your chakras are sufficiently large enough to accommodate the tremendous down pouring of spiritual energy.
NOTE: Arhatic Yoga Level 3.1 requires the diligent practice of Level 2 techniques as well as those from the Preparatory Level.
Pre-requisite: Arhatic Yoga Level 2 for 2+ Years
Arhatic Yoga Level 3.2 requires the diligent practice of Arhatic Yoga Level 3.1 techniques as well as those in Level 2.
Pre-requisite: Arhatic Yoga Level 3.1 for 1+ years.