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Planting the Seeds for Prosperity

How is your bank balance? Could it do with a boost? Does it feel like you’re on a hamster wheel, constantly chasing that ever elusive pay rise or the dream lifestyle?

For many of us, the answer to the last two questions is a giant YES!

But how do we get from here to there when the finances are dwindling, the cost of living seems to be ever increasing, and there aren’t enough hours in the day to take on a second job? 

First things first in bridging the gap: we need to recognise that money is a form of energy. If we don’t take the time to plant the seeds to success and do the important groundwork to attract prosperity, then we will continue to feel as if our only chance of obtaining our material goals and dreams is courtesy of a lottery ticket.

In fact, there are many simple things we can start to do to experience a more abundant life. Tithing is an excellent place to start. Be that giving what we can regularly to the local food bank, clearing out the cupboards and donating our good quality but unwanted things to charity, or volunteering for good causes. These little acts of kindness should be carried out from the heart, of course, but there’s science at play in our actions too, thanks to the Law of Cause and Effect. We might also refer to this as Karma. What we give out, we get back (often bountifully), so when we offer up our compassion to others, we literally plant the energetic seeds for a multitude of good things to return to us. Then, as an added bonus, the act of helping, giving and sharing makes us feel authentically joyful too.

Ancient teachings of numerous cultures have long imparted their wisdom that in order to receive, we must first give. As Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, the modern founder of Pranic Healing said, “Life is like an echo! When you give something, it comes back to you many, many times.”

At the end of August, Master Stephen Co will return to the UK to teach a variety of prosperity courses, covering subjects ranging from Kriyashakti to Feng Shui and Spiritual Business Management. These popular courses dig deep into previously hidden ancient teachings and they are as priceless as they are life-changing! If you have completed the prerequisite courses, then they will be open for you to attend. Just click on the link to find out more and we look forward to seeing you: