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Make your dreams come true. 

There are many New Year’s resolutions we can set as we embrace 2023 and all that another lap around the sun brings into our lives. Whilst January is the perfect time to wipe the slate clean and walk forward into a brand new year with purpose and clarity, the dawn of every day gives us the chance to start over again, too. Which is a relief, because most of us know too well that our willpower levels have a tendency to dip when the novelty of our new regimes wears off, and wholeheartedly wanting to make changes in our life is the key to us achieving them, so if we’re unable to get started the moment Big Ben chimes in at midnight, we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves!

We can sign up for the gym, dedicate ourselves to healthy eating, vow to spend less money and save more, be determined to attract a partner, or promise ourselves that we will go on that much yearned for holiday. But what if we could simply open a door which offered us the opportunity for all of the above – and so much more?

Welcome to the awesome world of Pranic Healing…

A leading-edge energy healing modality which encompasses ancient teachings and modern science with spirituality, Pranic Healing is a way of life, and its hundreds of thousands of worldwide students are making their dreams come true in big and little ways. Every single day. All whilst helping other people in the process. Energy is pervasive. There is no aspect of our lives that it doesn’t touch! Therefore it makes sense to learn how to work with it to improve all the ways it affects us as spiritual beings living a human experience.

The gateway to Pranic Healing is the Level 1 course. This teaches the important but easy to understand foundations that we need to start our Pranic Healing journey – and our journey to a happier and healthier life. We learn about the functions of the 11 major chakras (or energy centres), how to scan them to detect deficiency and vitality, and how to cleanse and energise them; we learn about the importance of the aura and how to keep it healthy and robust; we learn about the mind-body relationship and how it can impact our physical health; we learn how to apply basic protocols for a whole range of physical conditions on ourselves and others, and we learn simple but highly effective ancient teachings to help us improve other aspects of our lives, such as relationships and finances. All in two days so that we can go off and start living our best lives immediately.

And Level 1 is just the tip of the iceberg. The inner teachings span an incredible wealth of insights and knowledge which we can use to enhance every area of our lives as we take further steps on our Pranic Healing journey. From the Level 2 and 3 courses (which cover Advanced Pranic Healing and Psychotherapy) to Psychic Self Defence, Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul, Crystal Healing, Kriyashakti (and other prosperity courses), and many more. 

Why not sign up today and take the first steps to making your dreams come true?

Level 1 courses are being held all over the UK in 2023 and you can access them via the following link: