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Love and Kindness: The Ultimate Christmas Gift  

Most of us make a Christmas list at this time of year. When we were children, we wrote it for ourselves in a frenzy of excitement, promising Santa we’d be good and asking him to bring us the latest toy. Now, as adults, we write Christmas lists so we remember to treat all of our family and friends on December the 25th. Not that we shouldn’t embrace a healthy dose of seasonal self-love too: a gingerbread latte and a mince pie whilst braving the throngs in the High Street is a must!

But December isn’t known as ‘the season of goodwill to all’ for nothing. The values of caring and sharing which stem from this very special month in the Christian calendar, can be universally adopted by all human beings, regardless of faith or background.

It’s fun and rewarding to create and tick the items off our conventional Christmas lists but how about including an extra tally to our to-do lists? This one doesn’t even have to cost us a penny, although tithing during the month of December is heartily recommended.

What if we (quietly and privately) challenged ourselves to be as loving and kind as we possibly could to everyone that we encounter this festive season? From our work colleagues… to the most challenging members of our family; from the homeless man we never spare a coin for because we jump to the conclusion he will spend it on drink… to the supermarket cashier who has just had to deal with umpteen grumpy shoppers in a row and craves to see somebody smile; from the stranger who didn’t hold the door open for us… to the struggling friend who we keep meaning to call; from the elderly neighbours who could use some help with odd jobs… to the teacher who would appreciate some kind words in a thoughtful card, from the local soup kitchen or pantry that would welcome a volunteer.

The list is as endless as it is diverse. We have so many opportunities to serve others this month – in big and little ways, from the communities on our doorstep through to the international world. December is the perfect time to remember the common threads between us. We are all children of God.

On the subject of giving, a Pranic Healing gift voucher makes a wonderful and unique Christmas present. Available through the Institute of Pranic Healing UK & Ireland’s website, the gift voucher can be purchased in various denominations so that family and friends can use/add to them to book a Pranic Healing course of their choice from the many uplifting and life-changing ones on offer for 2023 and beyond. Just click on the link for details:Gift Voucher and then tell the recipient to check out the upcoming courses page:

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!