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Expand your Pranic Healing Skills

If you have taken Pranic Healing up to Level 3 (Psychotherapy) you may be wondering what comes next…?

The first three parts of the self-development series of Pranic Healing courses are just the tip of the iceberg. 

The teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui are as vast as they are deep, offering a wealth of ancient wisdom and practical tools that can be incorporated into daily life, making it better and better.

This November, Les Flitcroft, Senior Pranic Healer and Director of the Institute of Pranic Healing UK and Ireland, will be teaching two very special and life-changing courses in Denham, Middlesex. Read on to be inspired – and if you have already taken these courses, why not join us to review them? It never ceases to amaze students just how much their understanding develops and their knowledge grows every time they return to brush up their skills on a Pranic Healing course (at a discounted rate).

Pranic Crystal Healing – November 12th 2022

Did you know that crystals can boost your capacity to heal by up to 200 times? 

Science and art meet in this fascinating course that teaches the effective use of crystals and gemstones to heal yourself and others, and to enhance many areas of your life. 

You will learn how to programme and consecrate crystals; how to improve physical health by quickly and simply removing negative emotions and toxic energy from the body’s aura and chakras; how to create barriers and shields to protect you when healing others and how to use special crystals (such as obsidian) to prevent psychic attacks; the tremendous and unique properties of crystals and gemstones; how to consecrate jewellery to improve health, business relationships, and prosperity for yourself and your loved ones, and just as importantly… which crystals to avoid.

Les will also be teaching the Psychic Self Defence course in Denham the same weekend:

Psychic Self Defence – November 13th 2022

Everything is energy, and that includes the thoughts, words and deeds of others. Human beings absorb this unwittingly every day of their lives, so wouldn’t it be good to learn how to protect yourself, your family and friends, your home, your possessions and your surroundings from these undesirables? 

That’s exactly what the one-day Psychic Self Defence course will enable you to do, leaving you feeling equal parts empowered and comforted, with an instant toolkit to improve your day-to-day life.

You will learn the science behind shielding; how to stop people draining you of energy and positivity; how to harness the power of love to calm down an angry person/situation; how to protect your children from the negative influences of their peers (to shield them from bullying, engagement in bad behaviour, drugs/smoking/alcohol); how to protect your business and bring about prosperity; techniques to protect your belongings and finances; how to use objects for protection, empowerment and good luck; how to harness instant calm and clarity in chaotic situations and places, special techniques to protect against psychic attacks when working with the public… and much, much more.

Click on the links below for more information on each course and transform your life this November:

Pranic Crystal Healing

Psychic Self Defence