Ever snapped at your partner after a difficult day at work? Or had an unnecessarily tetchy conversation with your boss because you’re too tired from keeping it all going between work and home?
It’s not uncommon for the stresses of daily life to catch up on us, and spill over into other areas of our lives, often impacting our relationships.
It is important to look after ourselves and maintain a regular selfcare regime to ensure this does not happen too often, thereby impacting our relationships.
Paying attention to our own needs and wellbeing helps keep stress, anxiety, and fatigue at bay. It ensures we are rested,have high energy, are mentally more alert and emotionally more centred. In this state, we can bring empathy and compassion to all our relationships, in every context. So, it is well worth it.
That said, self-care doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive. It tends to be more effective when indulged in via frequent short bursts rather than via infrequent and elaborate efforts, like an exotic getaway. For example: an outdoors walk, a nice cup of coffee solving the Sunday paper puzzle, or even some ‘me-time’ exploring a new activity or existing hobby all work very well. Anything that helps us connect with our own inner selves.
One of the most efficacious ways to do so is to meditate, and there is increasingly more research on its positive effects on our mental health, cognition, and even physical health. Often though, despite our best intentions, and meditation being a really rather simple and effective self-care habit, it falls by the wayside due to our busy lives.
If you find yourself in that situation, you might want to try the Meditation on Twin Hearts, which is easy to integrate into one’s life, being only twenty five minutes long. It is a guided practice that helps activate one’s heart, cleanse the energy body and leaves one feeling more relaxed and energised.
And if you enjoy the meditation, there are many other simple and effective techniques that are taught on the Level 1, Basic Pranic Healing course.
If you would like to learn these to be able to practice self-care and improve your relationships at work, home and with your significant other, check out the course schedule on this link: Upcoming Pranic Healing Events
We also have regular meditations online and across the country on a weekly basis – please check the schedule here for one that fits best with your schedule.