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How to face pandemic challenges with resilience

The pandemic has certainly brought challenges many of us would never expect to face. Whether it’s the physical illness of COVID-19, the worry and stress that lockdown situations cause or the emotional impact of dealing with the enormous changes we face – we are all feeling the effect, in our own ways. During this pandemic, a lot of what is happening is out of our control, yet we must keep going. We need resilience, and the good news is there are many ways we can find that strength to keep moving forwards, with hope and kindness in our hearts.

Remove fear and replace it with hope

One of the biggest barriers to personal growth is fear. In Pranic Healing, we learn the deep and adverse effects of fear on our emotions and our physical body. If we can remove fear, stress and worry, it opens our heart to hope, optimism and prosperity. We have all heard that stress can physically affect our bodies – how many times have you felt worried and nauseous at the same time? Had a tummy ache that churns when you are anxious? If we can work on reducing, and eventually removing, stress from the mind and body, we will improve not only our mindset and heal our energy body but also enhance our immune system and our physical health.

There are many ways to reduce stress. In Pranic Healing we use specific energy healing protocols which are highly effective at removing negative energy, thoughts and feelings to make way for positive ones. Alongside healing, we also recommend meditation to flush out negative energy and help you to stay grounded and connected. 

The Twin Hearts meditation is emotion-based and research has shown clear positive effects on wellness when it is practised. For more information on the science between the Twin Hearts meditation, click here or to join us at one of our online guided mediation groups, click here.

Spread a little loving-kindness

Did you know if you give kindness in your life, you receive kindness tenfold? During these times of uncertainly, it’s important we pull together, support one another and spread a little kindness. You have probably seen many examples of community spirit over the last year and it’s a wonderful, heart-lifting experience. Spread kindness and give service by tithing – donating funds to those in need and giving what you can of your own money and time to support those who need it. You will often notice that this, in turn, drives prosperity in your own life. The next time you give, keep an eye on what follows – you may be surprised! 

Pranic Healing can help build resilience

Once you learn Pranic Healing, you can take your life to the next level. Pranic Healing can help treat physical ailments, emotional challenges and psychological barriers to create a peaceful mind and a happy, healthy body. It is also a way of life, encouraging people to spread kindness, help each other and foster togetherness, all over the world. Even during the Twin Hearts meditation, we bless every person and invoke divine blessings on all. 

Find out more about Pranic Healing – heal yourself, your loved ones and spread a little kindness in the process. 


We run Pranic Healing Self Development Level 1 courses all over the UK – click here to find out more.