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Pranic Healing & Crystals – A Powerful Partnership

Certain negative thoughts, emotions or stress that we create in our lives affect our health. Some 85% of physical ailments are due to stress.

Whether we have had these negative emotions since childhood or if they are new, it doesn’t matter because the beauty of Pranic Crystal Healing is that these negative emotions can be removed from our system quickly and without the need to relive any trauma. Can you imagine walking around feeling happier, lighter and more at peace with one self and others?

You might be wondering what Pranic Healing is, and finding it difficult to comprehend some thing you can’t see. Let alone how the two work together. But just because we cant see something, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Just think about the discovery of electricity. Was it always there?

Pranic Healing is a non-touch energy healing technique, which has been scientifically validated and tested. It is also based on the natural laws of nature.

When a Pranic healer incorporates a crystal in a treatment, it raises the bar; the healing potential can increase by over 100%. The specific movements and the step-by-step process of consecrating the crystal increases it’s power there by rapidly accelerating the healing. What this means is that many ailments can be healed quickly and the healer is able to help more people.

To bring this powerful partnership into your life register today.

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(pre-requisite Pranic Psychotherapy course)